3 x Max TTB - I suck at these, but I did get two whole toes to bar!
Snatch Balance
3-3-3 (Stay at around 60-65% in order to work on speed under the bar)
I worked at 15# for speed, then 35# then 45#...when 45# started getting ugly, I went back to 35#. Just worked on form and speed.
6 Sets: Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch
*This means you will power snatch the barbell, stand it up, then immediately perform an OHS, then return the barbell — controlled, not by dropping — to the ground and immediately squat snatch the weight. Your hands should not come off the bar throughout the three exercises. This will mean that you need to control the weight — pick something heavy and challenging, but that will allow you to execute perfect reps. Since this is new, try a couple warm up sets to get a feel for what weight you should start your work sets. To try increase the weight each time, while still maintaining good reps. This should not be sloppy.
I practiced power snatches at 55# then I did these sets (minus the squat snatch) at 45#. Did a couple sets with the squat snatch at 35#. I still have the mental block about getting under the bar. And I need to work the scarecrow shrug, transition my hands from down to up, and throw myself under. Mental. Mental. Mental.
This is a blog to track my progress in Crossfit.
Cardiorespiratory endurance, stamina, strength, power, speed,
flexibility, agility, accuracy, balance, and coordination: you're as good as
your weakest link.
- Crossfit Founder Greg Glassman
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
3×3 135-155-165 (attempted 175 but didn't even get to my knees)
(This notation means you should perform all sets at the same weight (or as close to) as possible. This means your lowest work set will go on the whiteboard)
5 Rounds:
5 Squat Clean Thrusters (135/95) I did 65#
Max Ring Rows (in one set, without coming out of the plank position — this means no dropping your butt to the ground to rest — or releasing hands from rings) I did 10-10-8-8-8
Rest Rest 1 Min
Total time was 6:44 minus 44 seconds for the ring rows = 6:00
* Pick a weight that is heavy and challenging, but that you will not have to rest in between reps. You should be able to drop the rep and immediately step up to the bar to complete the next set. Scale ring rows (by raising the rings and placing your body at an angle instead of being completely parallel to the floor) so that you can get a minimum of around 10 per round. Score is total time (including rest) minus one second for every ring row.
3×3 135-155-165 (attempted 175 but didn't even get to my knees)
(This notation means you should perform all sets at the same weight (or as close to) as possible. This means your lowest work set will go on the whiteboard)
5 Rounds:
5 Squat Clean Thrusters (135/95) I did 65#
Max Ring Rows (in one set, without coming out of the plank position — this means no dropping your butt to the ground to rest — or releasing hands from rings) I did 10-10-8-8-8
Rest Rest 1 Min
Total time was 6:44 minus 44 seconds for the ring rows = 6:00
* Pick a weight that is heavy and challenging, but that you will not have to rest in between reps. You should be able to drop the rep and immediately step up to the bar to complete the next set. Scale ring rows (by raising the rings and placing your body at an angle instead of being completely parallel to the floor) so that you can get a minimum of around 10 per round. Score is total time (including rest) minus one second for every ring row.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bench Press
Bench Press
65-70-70 (PR)
Hang power snatch (75/55) I did 45#
Ring dips Used black band first 1.5 rounds...then black and red last half
Monday, December 27, 2010
5-5-5 (125-135-145(F) then finished at 135#)
3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
20 Burpees
Post loads and times to comments.
Did 75 DUs first round, then 50 DUs second and third rounds.
5-5-5 (125-135-145(F) then finished at 135#)
3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
20 Burpees
Post loads and times to comments.
Did 75 DUs first round, then 50 DUs second and third rounds.
Squat Clean
Work at 65% of your 1RM, focus on speed and form
65-65-75-65-65 Still bending elbows a bit early...
5 Barbell Complex (95/65 - I did 45#)
(Barbell complex is: power clean, front squat, overhead, back squat, overhead — do not put barbell down during the complex)
10 CTB Pullups
4 Barbell Complex
8 CTB Pull ups
3 Barbell Complex
6 CTB Pull ups
2 Barbell Complex
4 CTB Pull ups
1 Barbell Complex
2 CTB Pull Ups
Post loads and time to comments.
Don't remember my time, but it was 5:something...CTB pullups with thin black band. Should go to red...but they did say to shoot for a 5 minute workout, so mighta been perfect scaling for me.
Squat Clean
Work at 65% of your 1RM, focus on speed and form
65-65-75-65-65 Still bending elbows a bit early...
5 Barbell Complex (95/65 - I did 45#)
(Barbell complex is: power clean, front squat, overhead, back squat, overhead — do not put barbell down during the complex)
10 CTB Pullups
4 Barbell Complex
8 CTB Pull ups
3 Barbell Complex
6 CTB Pull ups
2 Barbell Complex
4 CTB Pull ups
1 Barbell Complex
2 CTB Pull Ups
Post loads and time to comments.
Don't remember my time, but it was 5:something...CTB pullups with thin black band. Should go to red...but they did say to shoot for a 5 minute workout, so mighta been perfect scaling for me.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Shoulder Press
5-5-5 (65-65-65(F)
Kettlebell Swing (2/1.5pood) I did 1 pood
Push Press (75/55) I did 45#
Toes-to-Bar (I did knees to somewhere...almost elbows...kipping)
Time: 6:09
Shoulder Press
5-5-5 (65-65-65(F)
Kettlebell Swing (2/1.5pood) I did 1 pood
Push Press (75/55) I did 45#
Toes-to-Bar (I did knees to somewhere...almost elbows...kipping)
Time: 6:09
Saturday, December 18, 2010
5 Rounds:
30 Unbroken Double Unders
15 Unbroken Push Press (75/55)
15 Unbroken KB Swings (1.5/1pood)
Scale the weight to a load that allows you to complete the rounds unbroken. If you mess up, you may start that exercise over, but must complete each exercise unbroken in order to RX this WOD.
I finished in 15:07
My calves are still toast from #1 the 10K I ran on Sunday combined with the jumping back squats this week combined with falling (doing a split down three escalator stairs) on the Metro yesterday…despite that, I hit 27 unbroken DUs on first round, 28 second round, 30 on the third round!!, 4th round was just shit (calves gave up on me completely) and 5th round…ugly but effective. Mighta been sets of 10.
Started w/ 45# bar. Switched to 35# bar on third round.
30# KB. Might coulda done the 1 pood (35# KB) but woulda really gassed my forearms for shore.
Sucked, but glad to have done it!
5 Rounds:
30 Unbroken Double Unders
15 Unbroken Push Press (75/55)
15 Unbroken KB Swings (1.5/1pood)
Scale the weight to a load that allows you to complete the rounds unbroken. If you mess up, you may start that exercise over, but must complete each exercise unbroken in order to RX this WOD.
I finished in 15:07
My calves are still toast from #1 the 10K I ran on Sunday combined with the jumping back squats this week combined with falling (doing a split down three escalator stairs) on the Metro yesterday…despite that, I hit 27 unbroken DUs on first round, 28 second round, 30 on the third round!!, 4th round was just shit (calves gave up on me completely) and 5th round…ugly but effective. Mighta been sets of 10.
Started w/ 45# bar. Switched to 35# bar on third round.
30# KB. Might coulda done the 1 pood (35# KB) but woulda really gassed my forearms for shore.
Sucked, but glad to have done it!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Overhead Squat
3-3-3 (45-55-75) coulda done 80 but ran out of time. Failed miserably at 85 (dropped on head)
3 Rounds:
10 Squat Snatch (95/65 - I did 35#)
10 CTB Pull ups - black band
Overhead Squat
3-3-3 (45-55-75) coulda done 80 but ran out of time. Failed miserably at 85 (dropped on head)
3 Rounds:
10 Squat Snatch (95/65 - I did 35#)
10 CTB Pull ups - black band
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Push Press
80# 3 rep push press is a 5# PR for me
30 Double Unders
30 Jumping Squats (75/55 – use barbell racked on back - used 35# barbell)
15 Ring Dips (black and red bands)
20 Double Unders
20 Jumping Squats
10 Ring Dips
10 Double Unders
10 Jumping Squats
5 Ring Dips
Push Press
80# 3 rep push press is a 5# PR for me
30 Double Unders
30 Jumping Squats (75/55 – use barbell racked on back - used 35# barbell)
15 Ring Dips (black and red bands)
20 Double Unders
20 Jumping Squats
10 Ring Dips
10 Double Unders
10 Jumping Squats
5 Ring Dips
Monday, December 13, 2010
Front Squat
5-5-5 (105-115-105) - 5RM PR
3 rounds
30 box jumps
15 pushups
1 minute handstand hold
Post time plus 10 seconds for every time you come out of the handstand. You must get back into a handstand position within 10 seconds of falling out. Yes, you have to keep track of your handstand times.
This metcon SUCKED! BJs were 4 45# plates (16in, I think)...PUs were on knees...handstand holds were...sucky. First round, I stayed up the full minute. Last two rounds I couldn't even get up...so I walked up the wall, facing the wall. Finished in 11:00 (I just added a full minute for my sucky handstand holds).
Front Squat
5-5-5 (105-115-105) - 5RM PR
3 rounds
30 box jumps
15 pushups
1 minute handstand hold
Post time plus 10 seconds for every time you come out of the handstand. You must get back into a handstand position within 10 seconds of falling out. Yes, you have to keep track of your handstand times.
This metcon SUCKED! BJs were 4 45# plates (16in, I think)...PUs were on knees...handstand holds were...sucky. First round, I stayed up the full minute. Last two rounds I couldn't even get up...so I walked up the wall, facing the wall. Finished in 11:00 (I just added a full minute for my sucky handstand holds).
Jingle All the Way 10K.
Garmin results: 54:41 / 8:41 min/mile average moving pace.
Official results:
Jingle All the Way 10K.
Garmin results: 54:41 / 8:41 min/mile average moving pace.
Official results:
Overall place: 1084/4155 = 26.08%
Overall women place: 393/2523 = 15.58%
Division place: 57/459 = 12.42%
Bib #: 2326
Gun time: 55:06
Chip time: 54:34
Pace: 8:47
5K: 27:46
Just Snatch.
Take 20 minutes to work to a 1RM snatch.
Then, take 75-85% of that number and complete 2 snatches on the minute for 12 minutes. Focus on making every rep a good, solid squat snatch. The weight should be heavy but not unreasonable – focus on form and consistency.
1RM snatch was only 45# - still working on form. And getting under the bar (I power snatch much better than I squat snatch...still working on it!)
12 minute metcon - used 35# bar. Last 2 rounds was so tired my form went to shit. Good workout!
Just Snatch.
Take 20 minutes to work to a 1RM snatch.
Then, take 75-85% of that number and complete 2 snatches on the minute for 12 minutes. Focus on making every rep a good, solid squat snatch. The weight should be heavy but not unreasonable – focus on form and consistency.
1RM snatch was only 45# - still working on form. And getting under the bar (I power snatch much better than I squat snatch...still working on it!)
12 minute metcon - used 35# bar. Last 2 rounds was so tired my form went to shit. Good workout!
135-155-165(F)-135 155 is a new 5RM PR for DLs
4 Rounds:
Max Ring Dips (to be done in one set, without coming off the rings)
Max Kettlebell Swings (1 pood (35#) – also to be done in one set, without putting the bell down)
There is no time component to this WOD – you may rest as necessary between rounds. Score is total reps (ring dips plus swings).
Total score 103
135-155-165(F)-135 155 is a new 5RM PR for DLs
4 Rounds:
Max Ring Dips (to be done in one set, without coming off the rings)
Max Kettlebell Swings (1 pood (35#) – also to be done in one set, without putting the bell down)
There is no time component to this WOD – you may rest as necessary between rounds. Score is total reps (ring dips plus swings).
Total score 103
Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Snatch Balance
1-1-1-1-1 (35-35-35-35-35) Worked on speed and form.
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
10 Power Snatch (95/65) (I used 35#)
5 Handstand Push Ups (I did dumbbell presses w/ 20# DBs)
Completed 4 rounds plus 2 Power Snatches
Snatch Balance
1-1-1-1-1 (35-35-35-35-35) Worked on speed and form.
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
10 Power Snatch (95/65) (I used 35#)
5 Handstand Push Ups (I did dumbbell presses w/ 20# DBs)
Completed 4 rounds plus 2 Power Snatches
Thursday, December 2, 2010
3-3-3 (75-85-75)
3 Rounds:
6 Deadlift (275/185) I used 125#
9 Ring Dips (w/ black and red bands)
12 Box Jumps (24/20) (I used the 20# box and cycled my BJs! This was a first for me!)
3-3-3 (75-85-75)
3 Rounds:
6 Deadlift (275/185) I used 125#
9 Ring Dips (w/ black and red bands)
12 Box Jumps (24/20) (I used the 20# box and cycled my BJs! This was a first for me!)
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