This is a blog to track my progress in Crossfit.

Cardiorespiratory endurance, stamina, strength, power, speed,
flexibility, agility, accuracy, balance, and coordination: you're as good as
your weakest link.

- Crossfit Founder Greg Glassman

Monday, February 22, 2016


A) Strict Press 3×5
10 min to a heavy set of 5
B) 6 rounds of:
40s – Max Row For Calories
40s – 20 Double-Unders + Max Wall Balls @ 20/14#
*rest 20s between exercises
**score = total calories rowed + total wall balls
My score was 91. I did 20 double unders every round except the second (only did 17) and used the 10# medicine ball. 

Friday, February 19, 2016


Clean & Jerk Triples
7 sets of 3 reps w/ a short reset between reps
Start light and work up in even increments
25 min to a heavy set of 3

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


“Shark Complex”
5 rounds for load of:

3 Power Snatches
6 OH Squats
9 Power Cleans
12 Front Squats
15 Deadlifts

*25 min to complete all 5 rounds, rest as needed between sets
*score = weight on bar
*round ends when the bar rests on the ground (a la the “Bear Complex”)
*named after Mason’s favorite animal

I used 45#. Did two rounds at the prescribed rep scheme (subbing back squats for OHSes due to wrist issues). Then did two rounds at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 reps and doing hang power snatches and hang power cleans instead of full ones. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


4 rounds for time of:
10 Push Press @ 95/65# (I did 55# - doubting that I'd make it the whole WOD at 55, but making it!!)
15 Pistol Squats (alternating) (I used green band)
Run 200m
Then I did 50 26# KB swings for the 10,000 KB swing challenge. Russian-style.

Monday, February 1, 2016


A) Weighted Ring Dips 4×3
10 min to a 3RM
I did mine on my heels.
B) 5 rounds for time of:
5 Front Squats @ 185/125#
10 Pullups
70# front squats and 7 pullups (1-blue and 1-red band) per round
6:00 flat